Food Shelf Hours

  • Monday
    10:00am – 12:45pm

  • Tuesday
    10:00am – 12:45pm

  • Wednesday
    10:00am – 12:45pm

  • Thursday
    3:00pm – 5:45pm

  • Friday
    2:00pm – 4:45pm

The closing times above indicate when the last person is allowed in the food shelf.

Check out this two week menu guide from Minnesota Extension. This helps you plan nutritious meals for the week along with a shopping list to make sure you have the right supplies on hand.


The Supplemental Food Shelf is available to help individuals and families get food during a time of need.

Qualifying households meet the income eligibility guidelines (see button below).

Here is what to expect when you visit the food shelf in April and May.

First of all, Thank you for your patience during Phase 1 and now during Phase 2 of our construction project. We have set up this temporary food shelf to ensure basic food items are available to anyone needing help with food.

1 The entrance to the temporary food shelf is on the East side of our new building parallel to Laird Street and shopping hours remain the same.

2 Within this space, we have separated the food into three categories: no limit items, fresh produce and limited items. All households will receive one paper bag for each category. You must be able to carry these three bags outside to you car.

3 Bakery and bread items will be available to shoppers when they exit the building, outside.

4 Tables instead of grocery carts are available to pack the bags on.

5 We encourage people to bring their own shopping bags for added strength. The paper bag will be placed inside any bag you bring.

6 Parking is available along 2nd Street and Laird Street. Please do not park in or block area driveways, including the WVS driveway. Homeowners need to access their property.

7 There are no public restrooms available during this time.

8 Please do not bring chairs. We are not allowing chairs to be set up on the sidewalk while waiting in line.