Winona Volunteer Services (WVS) administers the Coordinated Assistance Program for the Winona area. It exists to provide a central point of contact to those seeking assistance due to urgent and unexpected situations. We network with area churches, other agencies, as well as Law Enforcement to avoid duplication of services and to simplify the experience for the person seeking help. WVS may refer a person to an existing resource, or provide direct assistance with basic needs during a financial crisis.

The Client Services Coordinator discusses each situation privately with the individual asking for assistance. Depending upon the request, calls may be made to the landlord, employer or other service provider to confirm the details of the situation.

Individuals with qualifying needs will receive a voucher, not cash, for a specific amount written to a specific vendor. If the situation does not meet our assistance guidelines, the request will be denied.

Persons seeking help after hours should go to the Law Enforcement Center at 201 West Third Street, Winona, MN for assistance.

The following services are available to qualified individuals:

Emergency Clothing & Specialty Shoes

Specialty Clothing

Emergency clothing & specialty shoes are available to those who lack the funds to purchase them. A voucher will be issued to the Winona Volunteer Services Clothes Shop for emergency clothing if we can verify the emergency, or the voucher will be written to purchase safety shoes or boots if we can verify the employment opportunity.

Diapers & Formula

Winona Volunteer Services - Diapers

WVS can provide a package of diapers to parents who lack the financial resources to buy them due to an unforeseen circumstance, or a voucher for a can of formula in the event WIC has been exhausted.


Referral Services

WVS has partnerships with many area agencies that provide services which we do not. Some of the available resources we can connect someone with include assistance with utilities, child care, employment, SNAP, and rides to medical appointments. We also can refer you to the HUB for one-on-one assistance if you are homeless, struggling with mental health concerns, or regularly finding it difficult to keep food on the table.


WVS Shelter

WVS helps transient and/or homeless individuals make arrangements with local and out-of-area shelters for temporary lodging when the individual has no available resources. We can also provide a list of contact information for local apartments.

Rent Assistance

Rent Assistance

WVS offers limited rent and mortgage assistance on a one-time basis to qualifying families and individuals to cover housing costs in times of financial crisis.


Winona Transportation

WVS provides city bus passes, gasoline vouchers and bicycle vouchers to qualifying individuals in need of transportation, especially to help them get and keep a job. We also offer bus tickets to stranded individuals to return safely home.