Food Donation Hours

  • Monday-Friday
    9:00am – 4:30pm

  • Saturday
    10:00am – 12:30pm

Please drop off individual food donations inside the Donation Door, under the Donations overhang, located on the Laird Street side of the building.

If you or your group has a large-scale food donation, from a food drive, please call us at 507.452.5591 to schedule a drop off time. We will ask you to unload the
large-scale food donation at our garage door located off our parking lot.

Please do not leave food donations outside any door at Winona Volunteer Services.

According to the USDA’s website on food safety, canned foods stored above 85 degrees can spoil. Food donations should not be left in hot cars for very long either– we may not be able to use it if we suspect it has been stored hot for a long time.

We have three major food drives throughout the year: MN FoodShare March Campaign which includes the Boy Scout Food Drive, Open Your Heart Summer Challenge in July and 10 Days of Giving December 1st – 10th.

However, food donations are needed and accepted all year long.  We ask that the food items you donate are unopened and nonperishable. We do not accept any refrigerated or frozen products from the public.

10 Donation Ideas for the Food Shelf

  • Canned Fruits

  • Instant potatoes

  • Canned ham, tuna or chicken

  • Juices

  • Complete baking mixes (pancakes, muffins, biscuits)

  • Peanut butter

  • Canned stew, chili, spaghetti & hearty soups

  • Dried peas & beans

  • Rice

  • Cash. For every dollar you donate, the food shelf can purchase many more dollars of food from the central food bank.

WVS accepts produce!

It can be fresh from your garden, donated from your CSA box, or purchased from local grocery stores. We recommend all donated garden produce be fresh and reasonably clean. Please don’t donate bolted, moldy, or oversized vegetables.